
Health Department

Health & Family Welfare Department, East Garo Hills, Williamnagar


Meghalaya Health System Strengthening Project(MHSSP)

  • To improve the quality of services and performance at the district level through Integrated Performance Agreement (IPA)

Under NHM, Govt of India.

  1. DMHP- District Mental Health Programme- To promote mental health care in District.
  2. RKSK- Rashtriya Kishor Swathya Keryderam -To promote the health and well-being of adolescent in District.
  3. DPCB- District Program for Control of Blindness -To promote the eye health care in the District.

(i) NP-NCD (National Program for Prevention & Control of on-Communicable Diseases)

           1. To Oversee the overall functioning of programs within the district in coordination with the State Nodal Officers

(ii) CPHC (Comprehensice Primary Health Care)

          2. Coordinating with the existing health care facilities on Drugs & Logistics, Testing Kits, Screening Diagnosis, Treatment and follow up of patients as per the program Guideliness.

(iii) NVHCP (National Viral Hepatitis Control Program)

         3. Data monitoring, record keeping and Reporting to the higher level.

(iv) NPHCE (National Program for Healthcare of Elderly)

        4. Provide Awareness and ensure quality services to the community

(v) NRCP (National Rabies Control Program)

        5. Capacity Buildings of Healthcare Providers

 Integrated Diseases Surveillance Programme (IDSP), National Programme for Prevention of Control of Snakebite Envenoming (NPSE) and National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health (CNPCCHH)

  • Disease Surveillance System
  • Diseases surveillance
  • Strengthening diseases survelliance
  • Disease Control
  • Strengthening laboratory system
  • Data recording and monitoring
  • Data Analysis
  • Outbreak Surveillance
  • IHIP monitoring & management
  • Snakebite monitoring & management
  • Encononing
  • Climate Change diseases monitoring
  • GCR-Green Climate Resilent

To achieve the National Target of NSP by reducing mortality due to TB, by reducing morbidity and to reduce prevalence of TB disease in the District.

To achieve the National Target of NSP by reducing mortality due to TB, by reducing morbidity and to reduce prevalence of TB disease in the District.

To promote and strengthen awareness and interest about Ayush Systems of Medicine in the District

Screening, IEC, & Treatment of Leprosy patients

1. Malaria & other Vector Borne diseae control

1. District Maternal & Child Health Immunization

2. Providers Comprehensive Healthcare Services to Mothers and Children to Cussing on Preventive, Curative and rehabilitative care throught Pregnace, Childbirth, Infancy and Childhood
Aiming to reduce Maternal and infant Mortalility Rates and Improve Overall Health and Well being of the population

OPD Services and Awareness Prograamme of Oral Health Tobacco cessation


Meghalaya Health System Strengthening Project(MHSSP)

Under NHM, Govt of India.

(i) NP-NCD (National Program for Prevention & Control of on-Communicable Diseases)

(ii). CPHC (Comprehensice Primary Health Care)

(III). NVHCP (National Viral Hepatitis Control Program)

(iv) NPHCE (National Program for Healthcare of Elderly)

(v) NRCP (National Rabies Control Program)

1. Integrated Diseases Surveillance Programme (IDSP)

2. National Programme for Prevention of Control of Snakebite Envenoming (NPSE)

3. National Programme on Climate Change and Human Health (CNPCCHH)

DOTS: Early and Free treatment of all notified TB cases. Nikshay Poshan Yojana (Scheme for Nutritional Support to TB patients during the whole course of TB treatment by Government of India.

Nikshay Mitra: A Nutritional/Vocational/Diagnosis support ete to TB patients by individuals/NGOs/institutions/NGOs/institutions/Corporates/Trusts during the whole course of Tb treatment under the initative of PMTBMBA

Through centrally sponsored national Ayush Mission Scheme Ministry of Ayurveda,Yoga and Naturopathy,Unani,Siddha and Homeopathy (AYUSH)

1. LLIN distributed

2. Indoor Resident Spray (IRS)

3. Case detection by RDK and slides

4. Gambusia Fish

5. Entonological Survey/studies

6. Long lasting Insecticold nets distribution








Who’s Who

Designation Name Contact
DMHO Dr. Cruzie Elmina N Sangma 7005062293
SDM&HO Dr. Lucy A Sangma  
  Dr. Zeetha M. Sangma  
Project Manager Dr. Mibandik Ch. Marak  
Jr. Specialist (MD-MPH)
(DSO) i/c IDSP District Nodal Officer
Dr. Otem Pertin  
Tuberculosis Officer Dr. Chrissie Pearly M. Sangma  
Homeophatic Dr. Paulson M Sangma  
DLO Dr. Bithi Sangma  
  Dr. Barlia Mukta G. Momin  
DMCHO Dr. Ameen A. Momin  
Dental Surgeon (Nodal Officer) Dr.Barkarine R. Marak  


Health and Family Welfare, Govt. of Meghalaya