
Soil & Water Conservation

The Soil & Water Conservation Department, Meghalaya originated as the Jhum Control Wing under the Forest Department in the erstwhile composite State of Assam. It was subsequently created as an independent Department during 1959-60.
As a major Department of the State, the Department has been striving towards the conservation of the three most vital natural resources – soil, water and vegetation by implementing various conservation measures under various schemes and projects funded by different agencies.
Accordingly the Department has taken up the following as its main functions:

Conservation of natural resources like soil, water and vegetation for sustained development and continuing economic progress and improved way of life of the people, To combat land degradation through erosion, faulty agricultural practices like shifting cultivation or Jhumming to preserve, maintain and improve balance in ecology and environment, Optimum utilization and conservation of soil, water and vegetation in the catchment areas by making judicious use of land according to its capabilities.

With this in perspective, the Department has taken up the challenge of mitigating the depletion of the natural resources through various programmes with the objective of conserving these vital resources for sustainable food production and simultaneously to ensure food security through sustainable high levels of production by adopting improved resource conservation technologies.



As one of the major development partners in the State, the Simsanggre Soil & Water Conservation Department is entrusted with the task of natural resources management in particular soil, water and vegetation resources. By adopting and applying appropriate soil the and water conservation techniques and measures, perpetual utilization of the said resources can be achieved. These three basic life support systems when managed effectively will ultimately lead to sustainability and promote need-base, economic and ecological development.


  • To dissipate soil and water erosion caused by rainfall
  • To improve-soil-health and tilth
  • To enhance soil- moisture regime & water holding capacity in the soil profile
  • To promote sub-surface/base-flow and ground water recharge
  • To harvest surface run-off/rain water for protective and productive purposes
  • To promote per unit area productivity of land-based activity in a sustainable matter
  • To promote livelihood/gainful employment opportunities



A. State plan schemes

  1. Soil & water Conservation in General area
  2. Watershed Management Programme

B. Centrally sponsored schemes

  1. Integrated watershed Management Programme (IWMP)

C. Additional Central Assistance

  1. Watershed Development Project in Shifting Cultivation Area (WDPSCA)
  2. Acceleration Irrigation Benefit Programme (AIBP)

D. NABARD loan

  1. Rural infrastructure Development Fund (RIDF)

E. Other Government of India Schemes

  1. Ratriya Krishi Vigyan Yojna (RKVY)

Who’s Who

Designation Name Contact
Divisional Officer Shri. Corbeth Homa D Sangma  
Asstt. Divisional Officer Smti. Satyanjuli Koch  
Soil and Water Conservation Ranger Shri. Promitson Ch. Marak  
Soil and Water Conservation Ranger Shri. Ruskin Eloith M Sangma  



Soil and Water Conservation Department, Government of Meghalaya